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Isn't this great?!


A place to tell you a bit more about Fernando LLort, his amazing legacy and everything surrounding his art…

Isn't this great?!

Fernando LLort

The new collection of art pieces based on Fernando LLort's designs from the 70's is here!!

We've been super busy celebrating Fernando Llort's birthday in a big way and also working hard in the background to bring you these new art pieces based on designs from the 1970's

Fernando is turning 70 up in heaven and that's why we've decided to go with a 70's theme. All these designs were created around that time and have a very special and unique style. Fernando went through different phases over the decades and that was reflected on his paintings and creations. 

We hope you enjoy this new collection and tell everyone about it! 

As always, feel free to write back, if you have any questions or there is something about Fernando LLort that you would like to know more of, please let us know, we love hearing from all of you that appreciate my father's art!

Angel F LLort
(Fernando's youngest son)