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Your hands are a window to...


A place to tell you a bit more about Fernando LLort, his amazing legacy and everything surrounding his art…

Your hands are a window to...

Fernando LLort

Fernando had a deep connection and understanding of the value of his hands in his work and life.

"Wisdom is more powerful than weapons". - Fernando LLort

The hand grabs the brush, the brush touches the paint, the paint touches the canvas and there it is, a window to a world of infinite beauty and magic. 

Fernando knew this, but he not only knew it, he could feel it, he could sense it with his whole being; and this process of inspiration started in his spirit but it was through his hands that the physical projection was possible. So he always held an incredible respect and admiration for everything that is handmade.

This was one of the core principles in his work and he always said that it was through the work made by hand that human beings were dignified and connected to a Higher Self. 

This philosophy has stayed with us and runs through everything we do to preserve my father's legacy. The main component of the production process of everything you see in the website and the gallery in El Salvador "El Arbol de Dios" is the use of the hands to create. 

As always, feel free to write back, if you have any questions or there is something about Fernando LLort that you would like to know more of, please let us know, we love hearing from all of you that appreciate my father's art!

Angel F LLort
(Fernando's youngest son)