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What do Xmas and Fernando LLort have in common?


A place to tell you a bit more about Fernando LLort, his amazing legacy and everything surrounding his art…

What do Xmas and Fernando LLort have in common?

Fernando LLort

Christmas, a time for reflection and celebration...

During this time of the year we get together with family and friends and celebrate, share presents and food, and remember all the great values that makes us humans: generosity, compassion, cooperation, gratitude, hope, love and many more. 

For those of us with religious beliefs it's a time of reflection, a time to think about the life of Jesus and all His teachings; it's also a time to celebrate His birth, how it marked a beginning for the healing of the human spirit.

When I look at my father's art, it reflects exactly all those values, it celebrates the human spirit and the sense of community we all have; it brings us back to our most basic instincts and, within its apparent simplicity, represents the very best of our complex identity. 

And so, Fernando LLort's art and Christmas seem to have a lot in common, they both celebrate and reflect on the best parts of the human spirit.

Have a Merry Christmas and a brilliant 2019 full of love and art! 

As always, feel free to write back, if you have any questions or there is something about Fernando LLort that you would like to know more of please let us know, we love hearing from all of you that appreciate my father's art!

Angel F LLort
(Fernando's youngest son)